Experience in taking care of red monkey flowerhorn fish properly when travelling or go away in long time

1. Why is it necessary to take care of red monkey flowerhorn fish properly when going away?

Many “aquarists” have common concerns about the health of fish, especially high-value species such as red monkey fish when traveling or go on a long trip. If the red monkey fish do not take care properly in a long time, the fish can suffer serious health, leading to a long recovery time, loss of color even dead.

Understanding that, Super Red Monkey would like to introduce to you how to properly care for red monkey flowerhorn when away.

When you go to travel but worry about the Super Red Monkey Fish flowerhorn fish at home
When you go to travel but worry about the Super Red Monkey Fish flowerhorn fish at home

2. Renew of the water

Red monkey flowerhorn is a strain that can withstand changeable environmental conditions without water replace for up to 1-2 months. However, in order to ensure safety when going far, 7-10 days before going away you need to replace the water and clean the tank, add enough water, add microbes (after changing the water 5-7 days). Besides, you should check and clean thoroughly the system of water purifiers and oxygen pumps to work smoothly and reduce dirt overload when in far place. A cover can be added to prevent dust, foreign organisms from falling to aquarium.

In addition, if the aquarium is located in a dark area, additional lights should be equipped so that the fish have light to find food in the lake.

Change aquarium water 1 week before going away
Change aquarium water 1 week before going away

3. Super Red Monkey Diet

A week before going away, you should feed red monkey fish regularly and with a full diet to help the fish  accumulate fat in the body and metabolize later when you are away from home.

In addition, 1 day before traveling, you should not feed anymore because there is leftover food and fish feces in the water. If there is a power cut, the water will quickly become dirty, leading to the fish lack of oxygen and be susceptible to infection.

Because red monkey flowerhorn fish can fast very well for 1-2 weeks, just feed it sufficiently and make sure the water in the tank is cleaned and oxygenated. By that way, the fish will live very well without worrying about the health of fish.

However, if you have to go for a long time or your red monkey fish are too small, the funnels for fish to eat bran, worms, artemia are also a very good solution to help the fish eat enough without causing any harm affect to the fish’s habitat during long travel.

Funnel to feed the red monkey flowerhorn fish when going away without worrying about dirtying the tank
Funnel to feed the red monkey flowerhorn fish when going away without worrying about dirtying the tank

4. Recovery fish after coming back

After going on a business trip, traveling, you are very happy when seeing a safe, fine fish and if you think your fish need feeding more, you should not. According to Super Red Monkey’s experience, the red monkey fish only consumes belly fat after a period, so it is not exhausted. The important thingsjust feed less and gradually increase, will be healthy again. On the contrary, overfeeding easily leads to intestinal disorders, bloating leads to more harm.

Super Red Monkey recovery after your travel
Super Red Monkey recovery after your travel

Above is Super Red Monkey’s experience of taking care of red monkey flowerhorn fish for many years when returning to his hometown to celebrate Tet. Hopefully they will help you so that you can go travel freely without having to worry about the red monkey fish at home.

You can browse SuperRedMonkey.com site for exploring the more beautiful super red monkey fish.

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