Flower Horn: Fish Species Profile

The Flower Horn Cichlid is indeed a hybrid fish species that originated from the selective breeding of different South American cichlid species. It is known for its unique appearance, particularly the pronounced hump or bulbous forehead that develops as it matures. Here’s some more information about the Flower Horn Cichlid:

Here’s a table summarizing the characteristics of the Flower Horn Cichlid:

Tank LevelMid-dweller
Minimum Tank Size70 gallons
Care LevelBeginner
pH Range7.0 to 8.0
Hardness8 to 20 dgH
Temperature Range77 to 84 F (25 to 29 C)

Please note that these characteristics are general guidelines and may vary depending on individual fish and specific breeding lines within the Flower Horn Cichlid hybrid variety.

Colors and Markings

Here are some common characteristics:

  • Forehead Hump: Flower Horns are known for their prominent forehead hump, also known as a nuchal hump or kok. This hump is usually more pronounced in males.
  • Red Dragon Variety: The Red Dragon Flower Horn is one of the most popular varieties. Juvenile Red Dragons typically have a silver base color with dark spots along the body. As they mature, their coloration changes to a vibrant red. The red coloration often has a marbled pattern with white and/or black patches.
  • Other Varieties: In addition to the Red Dragon, there are other varieties of Flower Horns available. Some varieties have lighter colors, ranging from tan to yellow, instead of the typical red. These variations can also display patterns and markings unique to their specific breed.

It’s important to note that coloration and markings can vary significantly between individual Flower Horn Cichlids, and breeding lines may have their own distinct characteristics.

Care and Tank Requirements:

  • Flower Horns require a spacious aquarium due to their large size. A tank of at least 75 gallons (284 liters) is recommended for a single adult Flower Horn.
  • Provide a sandy substrate in the tank to allow the fish to root around and exhibit their natural behavior.
  • Decorate the aquarium with rocks, caves, and driftwood to create hiding spots and territories for the Flower Horn.
  • Maintain the water temperature between 78°F and 82°F (25°C and 28°C) and the pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. Regular water changes are essential to keep the water clean and stable.


  • Flower Horns are omnivorous and have a hearty appetite. They are known to be greedy eaters.
  • Offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality pellets or flakes specifically formulated for cichlids. Look for brands that contain a good balance of proteins and other essential nutrients.
  • Supplement their diet with occasional feedings of live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small fish. This variety helps provide additional nutrients and stimulates natural hunting instincts.

Aggression and Tankmates:

  • Flower Horn Cichlids are notorious for their aggressive behavior. They can be territorial and may show aggression towards tankmates, especially other cichlids or similarly sized fish.
  • It is generally recommended to keep a Flower Horn in a species-only tank to avoid conflicts and ensure their well-being. However, some experienced aquarists have successfully housed them with compatible, robust fish species that can withstand their aggression.
  • If you do decide to introduce tankmates, choose larger and robust fish with similar aggression levels or fish that can hold their own against the Flower Horn. Monitor their interactions closely and be prepared to separate them if necessary.

Personality and Behavior:

  • Flower Horns are known for their interactive and intelligent behavior. They can recognize their owners and may respond to them with excitement during feeding or tank maintenance.
  • These fish are highly active and may constantly rearrange their tank decor. It’s common for them to dig, move rocks, and redecorate their surroundings. Keep this in mind when designing the tank setup.

Overall, Flower Horn Cichlids are visually striking and charismatic fish, but they require careful consideration and proper tank management due to their aggressive nature. It’s important to provide them with adequate space, a suitable diet, and a suitable tank environment to ensure their well-being and minimize stress.

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  • Tên cửa hàng: SuperRedMonkey.com
  • Phone: 0774.865.264
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  • WhatsApp:+84774865264
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