10 Types Of Flowerhorns You Need To Know!

Flowerhorn cichlids are indeed known for their unique appearance and vibrant colors, making them popular among aquarium enthusiasts. They were intentionally bred in Malaysia in 1993, making them hybrid Central American cichlids. The original parent species for the first generation of flowerhorns closely resembled and acted like amphilophus trimaculatus.

While they gained immense popularity in the Asian fishkeeping scene, particularly in countries like Thailand, Taiwan, and Malaysia, they have also been garnering a cult following in Western countries. In Taiwan, they are even considered to bring good luck.

The name “flowerhorn” derives from the distinctive flower-like pattern on their bodies and the hump on their heads. The size of the hump and the quality of the markings greatly influence their price in the market.

Breeding techniques have been employed to prevent the crossing of bloodlines and ensure the production of healthy flowerhorns. This careful breeding has resulted in flowerhorns being free from many genetic defects commonly found in other hybrid fish. Notably, flowerhorns are fertile, which is unusual among hybrid fish.

With their fascinating history and unique characteristics, flowerhorn cichlids have become sought-after aquarium fish.

10 Types Of Flowerhorns 

  • King Kong Parrot Flowerhorn
  • Golden Monkey Flowerhorn
  • Kamfa Flowerhorn
  • Zhen Zhu Flowerhorn
  • Golden Base
  • Kamfa Malau
  • Thai Silk
  • Rainbow King Flowerhorn
  • Albino Flowerhorn
  • Flowerhorn Type Super Red Dragon

1. King Kong Parrot Flowerhorn

The original flowerhorn cichlids hold a special place in the fishkeeping world as they were the first to be successfully captive-bred. Unlike other flowerhorn types, you won’t find them in the wild. These remarkable fish are known for their vibrant red coloration, which is evenly distributed across their bodies.

While their bodies are relatively small compared to their large heads, they can grow to an impressive total length of up to 15 inches. In fact, they are among the largest cichlids available today, so it’s crucial to provide them with ample space if you’re considering adopting them.

To ensure the well-being of a pair of these majestic fish, a minimum tank size of 100 gallons is necessary. Each additional King Kong Parrot should have an extra 20 gallons of water volume to thrive comfortably.

By providing them with ideal conditions and a diet consisting of high-quality food, you can expect these wonderful creatures to grow steadily and enjoy a lifespan of at least 12 years. It’s essential to prioritize their care to ensure they lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

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2. Golden Monkey Flowerhorn

This flowerhorn is not called golden for no reason. In fact, this is one of the most expensive cichlids out there, and they are super-hard to find these days. Therefore, you probably will not be getting such a rare version as your next aquatic pet, but we can all at least admire its beauty for a while.

Their colors are simply spectacular and feature a never-seen-before deepness of vibrant reds and yellows across a fish body. What a dream fish this is!

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3. Kamfa Flowerhorn

Kamfa flowerhorn cichlids are highly favored by experienced fishkeepers, despite being more challenging to care for compared to other flowerhorn types. Their unique characteristics set them apart from the rest, starting with the shape of their body.

Kamfas have a more squared body shape, distinguishing them from other varieties. Their lips are fully rounded, in contrast to the pointy lips seen in other flowerhorn types. One of the most defining features of Kamfas is their strong dorsal and anal fins, which have the ability to wrap around their caudal fin. It is important to note that their tail should not droop.

In terms of coloration, Kamfa flowerhorns typically exhibit pastel palette combinations such as yellow, orange, or even pink. Their eyes can be either white or yellow and are often positioned deeper inside the head rather than bulging out.

The size of Kamfa flowerhorns can vary significantly, ranging from around 6 inches for a standard Kamfa to an impressive 16 inches for the king version of the fish. With proper care, they can live for about 12 years in captivity. However, due to their specific needs and more demanding care requirements, Kamfas are better suited for experienced aquarists who are familiar with their care needs and can provide the necessary conditions for their well-being.

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4. Zhen Zhu Flowerhorn

Zhen Zhu cichlids, known for their distinctive features, have become increasingly popular among modern fishkeepers. They are also considered one of the hardiest types of flowerhorns, making them an excellent choice for both experienced enthusiasts and first-time keepers.

In comparison to Kamfa fish, Zhen Zhu cichlids possess contrasting key characteristics. They have a prominently enlarged hump, with their eyes mostly being red and protruding outward. Additionally, their mouth is notably larger, adding to their unique appearance.

What sets Zhen Zhu flowerhorns apart and makes them truly special are their pearling factors. These shimmering details on their body make them easily recognizable and highly sought after by professional breeders who focus on creating new and improved morphs.

Within the Zhen Zhu variety, the most well-known strains are the red dragon and the blue dragon. These strains primarily differ in terms of their body colors, showcasing a vibrant palette.

When it comes to size, Zhen Zhu flowerhorns typically grow up to 14 inches in body length. With proper care, they can live for over 10 years, providing enthusiasts with years of enjoyment and companionship.

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5. Golden Base Flowerhorn

The Golden Base Flowerhorn is a remarkable type of flowerhorn that stands out due to its distinct features and diverse varieties. Rather than representing a specific flowerhorn itself, it serves as a group encompassing some of the most unusual sub-types, with the Faders being the most intriguing among them. This article delves into the unique characteristics of the Golden Base Flowerhorn and explores the fascinating phenomenon of the Faders’ color transformation.

Section 1: Golden Base Flowerhorn Overview

  • Explanation of the Golden Base Flowerhorn as a grouping of distinctive varieties
  • Emphasis on the characteristic that sets them apart: their colors

Section 2: Unraveling the Enigma of the Faders

  • Introduction to the Faders, the most unusual sub-group of the Golden Base Flowerhorn
  • Description of Faders’ initial coloration at birth, predominantly red or yellow, or a combination thereof
  • Discussion of the “fading” process during the juvenile phase, resulting in a complete black coloration
  • Highlighting the remarkable transformation as Faders regain their vibrant and vivid colors

Section 3: The Fascination of Faders’ Color Transformation

  • Elaboration on the astounding journey of color change experienced by Faders
  • Importance of providing proper care and conditions during the fading process
  • Explanations for the mechanisms behind the color transformation
  • Real-life examples or anecdotes showcasing the vibrant colors Faders display after the fading phase

Conclusion: The Golden Base Flowerhorn, with its captivating sub-group of Faders, offers fish enthusiasts a truly unique and awe-inspiring experience. From their initial colors to the mesmerizing fading process and subsequent revival of vibrant hues, these fish leave an indelible impression. By understanding their peculiarities, hobbyists can appreciate and care for these extraordinary aquatic creatures.

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6. King Kamfa Flowerhorn

As its name may helpfully offer a suggestion, king kamfa is both exceptionally large and awfully expensive. A true king among aquariums, one could say. Descending from the original kamfa which we described a couple of lines above, they have typically squared body shapes and rounded mouths.

Their eyes are sunken instead of bulged and can be mostly seen either in yellow or in white colorations. More rarely, their eyes can be red.

King kamfas truly do look as kings would. Their humps are unproportionally enlarged and their colors are magnificently vivid. On top of that, they have a beautiful and thick layer of white pearling, which certainly adds to their luxury looks.

King kamfas also feature a distinctively thick black double flower row along their lateral body line.

As already mentioned above, these fish grow to a fairly large size of even 16 inches. Consequentially, they also require a larger tank size.

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7. Kamfa Malau Flowerhorn

The kamfa malau is a hybrid resulting from crossing sub-types of kamfa flowerhorns and malau flowerhorns. As a combination of these two sub-types, kamfa malau flowerhorns possess the best characteristics of both.

They typically have red eyes, which are sunken just like in standard and king kamfas. Their bodies can exhibit vibrant colors, but what sets them apart is their unique pearling pattern. This pattern is visible along their fins and tails, often extending towards the beginning of their head hump.

The diverse pearling pattern found in kamfa malau flowerhorns is highly uncommon among flowerhorns, making them visually stunning and providing a significant “wow” factor. These unique features contribute to their desirability among flowerhorn enthusiasts.

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8. Thai Silk Flowerhorn

For those who are looking to adopt a somehow smaller strain of flowerhorn cichlids, the thai silk variation may become their ideal new pet. These unique creatures are a relatively new addition to the aquarists hobby, and they are still not fully researched.

However, what we do know is that they grow to relatively medium size of around 8 or maximally 12 inches. And adding to that, they look simply spectacular.

This is one of the rare uniformly colored flowerhorns variations, yet they are fully metallic. They are mostly either white or blue or sometimes even goldish. A truly magnificent type of fish.

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9. Rainbow King Flowerhorn

The rainbow king is another morph that mostly relates to the different body colorations. Indeed, quite remarkably to a rainbow, this fish does feature spectacular pastel colors ranging all the way from white to vivid pink.

The tops of its fins are mostly turning to white, but still featuring a nice and fairly decent pearling factor.

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10. Albino Flowerhorn

As with any other animal or fish species, albino does not refer to a certain morph or sub-species or kind, but rather to the lack of color pigments. And when such uniquely shaped fish as flowerhorn cichlids lack their coloration, can you even imagine how spectacular they look?

Snow white bodies and pink eyes along with such special shapes certainly make an ultimate match for an utterly unique pet.

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11. Flowerhorn Type Super Red Dragon

The sharp bright red color makes this fish called super red dragon. This fish is a native Thai product that has been known in various countries including Indonesia. Super red dragon louhan prices usually ranged diangka 2 millions but will rise if non-nongnya increasingly prominent.

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Thông Tin Liên Hệ:

  • Website  SuperRedMonkey.Com
  • Tiktok    SuperRedMonkey.Com
  • Whatsapp (Phone) : +84.774865264
  • Address : 291 Đường Số 3 Bình Trị Đông B Bình Tân Hồ Chí Minh City VietNam
  • International Retail & Wholesale Super Red Monkey Flowerhorn Fishfarm.

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